This lecture will introduce you to the principles of self massage, to help you keep you body nice and mobile. You'll learn why massage is good for your muscles, and how it can help you improve your general mobility. You'll also learn about what self-massage won't do, and when to avoid it. This lecture will cover the basic tools for self massage and how to use them (as well and some common substitutes), when and how much to do it. Then Peta will run through instructions for how to massage several common problem areas.
Peta Glaister is a melodramatically self-proclaimed “anti-massage” massage therapist. What does that mean? Well, obviously not that she’s actually against massage, as that’s what she does every day. It’s more about being aware of the limitations of massage - that it’s a perfect tool for certain results, but needs to be used in conjunction with strength and conditioning work, mobility and sports-specific activities if you want it to have the effect you’re after. That’s why she counts her ASCA level-one strength and conditioning certificate as just as important as her Remedial Massage certification. Peta has been massaging for six years and coaching for the same amount of time. She has experience in running, CrossFit, weights training. Currently, she trains and competes in the sport of surfboat rowing, where she has the incredible opportunity of being part of a World and Australian champion crew. She also believes that the other component of a holistic approach to physical and mental wellbeing is community, which is why she is excited to be a part of the Melbourne in Motion education series.
Part 2
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