Hello all,
I'm writing with some very un-fun news.
Given the current state of emergency, we have decided to postpone all our classes, starting immediately and until at least April 1. (at which point we will reassess.)
The majority of our community is not in a high-risk category, but we believe it is everyone's responsibility to act quickly and with care for others, to minimise risks for those who are most vulnerable. We're taking this precaution to encourage physical distancing, and to avoid travel into high-traffic areas like the CBD.
Parkour training is not a high-risk activity for transmission of the virus. It's important, as you all know, for mental and physical health to keep training and keep fit. See below for some tips on training safely. If you're not already, please join the Melbourne in Motion Community Facebook group.We'll be sharing resources there including programming and info sheets on training at home, and it'll be a great way to find training buddies nearby where you live as well. Please let us know what sort of resources will be most useful for you!
All these resources will be downloadable for free and for everybody. We will also set up some easy ways to make a small donation for those resources, for those who can. This is a difficult time for everybody, and we don't expect everyone to donate. MinM is lucky to be a pretty adaptable and agile enterprise, but we still have some costs to cover. So if you're fortunate enough to be in a position to, please consider supporting local businesses in small ways to help them survive and thrive through this.
We thank you for your understanding, and we love you. Stay safe and healthy.
Kel and all the MinM team.
Parkour and training outdoors is not a high-risk activity, and can be amazingly beneficial for mental health and morale. So, we still encourage you to keep training!
We'll all need to make some changes to how we train, though.
Please consider making changes like:
- Avoid all physical contact, including hugs, high fives, handshakes. Come up with other, equally loving, ways to interact with training buddies.
- Train alone or in very small groups, and avoid using public transport to get to training spots.
- Always wash hands well with soap and water before and after training.
- Carry and use a small bottle of hand sanitiser, and/or disinfecting wipes (not as good as handwashing, but still important)
- Avoid touching and vaulting on high-traffic obstacles like hand rails (every day is leg day!)
- Make sure to put your training clothes in a laundry basket as soon as you get home, and avoid wearing training shoes inside.
- Listen to your body and slow down or stop training if you are experiencing symptoms like a cough or shortness of breath.
- If you are likely to come into contact with high-risk or immunocompromised people, consider staying inside or at home. We'll be making content for people to do just that, so keep an eye on our website and social media.