Calibrating your Meat Suit: Episode 4
This series of blog posts is to give you some ideas on how to improve and calibrate your senses to better serve your training and movement.
Calibrating your Meat Suit: Episode 4
Summer and training in hot weather
More on Misogyny in the Parkour INdustry
Calibrating your Meat Suit: Episode 3
Calibrating your meat suit, Episode 2
Calibrating your Meat Suit
Just Rolling With It
COVId-19 Precautions
COVID-19 Update
Oppressive Spaces, Urban Design, and Parkour's Radical Potential w/ south paw
I appreciate my parkour people so much.
Technique is king. Or is it?
In Melbourne last week
At 82, Arlene has just started learning parkour
Basic instinct
Extreme weather, bushfire season and your training
Embrace the Void
Categories of Fun
Fitness and Privilege
Should eccentric progressive overload stretching replace all static stretching?